motorbikes and taxis in front of the Victoria train station in Mumbai – India. Bombay – Mumbay dec 07. Victoria train station. Bombay – Mumbay dec 07. Victoria train station. Bombay – Mumbay dec 07. Victoria train station. Bombay – Mumbay dec 07. Victoria train station. Bombay – Mumbay dec 07. Victoria train station. Bombay – Mumbay dec 07. Victoria train station. Apparently, the game is : 1. Wait on the dock until the train starts moving 2. wait 3. wait 4. The last that goes on wins 5. Others help you. It’s a game, a dangerous one, not a competition. Bombay – Mumbay dec 07. Victoria train station. Apparently, the game is : 1. Wait on the dock until the train starts moving 2. wait 3. wait 4. The last that goes on wins 5. Others help you. It’s a game, a dangerous one, not a competition. Bombay – Mumbay dec 07. Bombay – Mumbay : Victoria train station. dec 07. for ladies only ! and everybody follows the rule. (Only in mexico did I see this before)
Promenade dans la gare Victoria à Mumbai – Inde